Friday, October 03, 2008


Word on the street

“We all thought he was the new maintenance guy.”
Lisa explains why no one thought to stop the now infamous Mr. Dodgy episode.

“This guy had peed himself. There’s no way Whitley would have hired him.”
Trev (who co-captured him) confused about the break-in and subtly complimenting Ozzie’s bladder.

“Throw it outwards not up!”
Tobi, criticizes the linking technique of the failed tin-can telecommunications project from Michelle’s room to West Wing.

“She broke the rules! It’s not fair! There are rules!”
Matt Day after being doused with milk in a water fight, and smelling lactose-fresh as a result.

Factoids and Trivialities

Cal knows stuff that you now know too! Send in things you know that Cal doesn't and I'll publish them.

- You’re more likely to die falling out of bed than in a plane crash.
- France still executed people by guillotine until 1977.
- US Senate and Presidential candidates spend the same amount per year on campaigning that The Bahamas spends per year on everything. It is also the same amount Americans spend each year on chewing gum. It’s all about perspective.

Birthday Bonanza!

Jon Curnow (2/10) has the same birthday as comedian and actor Groucho Marx.
Leila Williams (3/10) has the same birthday as singer Gwen Stefani.
Tristan Watts (10/10) has the same birthday as the classical composer Verdi.
Trev Rumbold (14/10) has the same birthday as fashion designer Ralph Lauren and also e.e. cummings, the poet who annoyingly de-capitalized his name.


Anonymous said...

he decapitalised his name? why would he decapitalise his name?

Anonymous said...

Who's Matty referring to?

Anonymous said...

1) Pretension.

2) Jen.

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