Friday, October 17, 2008

Opinion - Sceince and Enigneering Students angry!

Sceince and Enigneering students were angry the other day at the donut. Steve Meade described the holesome whit as a discrase.
“Do you expect me to be able to read the toilet trash without a dixionary?, it is a discrase!”
The reading skils of Sceince and Enigneering students have been questioned by arts students. It would seem that the only people pleased with the new whit editor are the arts students as they get more pictures and more sylables. A divide is what this has caused. Sarah Mcluskey even went as far as saying that “Cal is being an editor for those writing types”. Bones also said something “I fought this was meant to be a civil Australian standards newsletter.
Ned powell said things as well, after analyzing the report, Ned Powell was still dumbstruck by one small part of the whit ‘the Student Exec batons were passed on.’ Looking at his shoes he commented on the fact that batons normally occur during athletics.
At won moment Owen quoted a peace of the whit
“’Already, the efforts of the new exec are lovingly assaulting the very fabric of the college for its own good’. He then said some more stuff “What bloomin fabric??, there was no fabric in my time.. just bricks and motar!”
Lauren Wright, Hayley and Melissa were witnessed mumbling about the whit after using the Di Hydrogen Monoxide dispenser… “what does recompense mean?”
Matt Day who thought he saw Lauren Wright, Hayley and Melissa torqueing, commented on Factoids and Trivialities?, a factoid… is that a shape?. Beaming he continued, It must be cause the donut circumference =2 x pi x R.
Bridget and Roy two unnamed arts students frustrated with the lack of understanding shown by some other members of the college thought that two competing whits would be a good idea. This theory was stopped when hepner said “who would be able to print it?”
Many scary things are hapening between sceience/enigneering and arts students. The strained relationship between the ‘common man’ and the whit may be under stress.

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